Amazing Rafflesia (Gunung Gading & Siar Beach)


Package Price

Adult & Child:  From   RM 285

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Gunung Gading National Park has located 100 km from Kuching and is home to the world’s largest flower, the Rafflesia. This tour combines a visit to Gunung Gading with a trip to nearby Siar Beach for lunch and time to relax or have a swim.

0750-0810 hours pick up from your hotel in Kuching and drive to the small town of Lundu, arriving at the park HQ around 1000 hours. Begin the tour with a visit to the park interpretation center to learn about the ecology of the Rafflesia flower.

If a flower is in bloom hike along one of the park trails (10-30 minutes) to see the amazing Rafflesia. Along the way, your guide will point out the host vines and the cabbage-like Rafflesia buds that litter the forest floor. After seeing the Rafflesia, return to the park HQ or hike to Waterfall No.1 (if time). Depart the park around 1300 hours and have lunch in a local coffee shop in Lundu. They proceed to Siar Beach for a swim.

If a flower is not in bloom, depart the interpretation center and walk for about 30 minutes to Waterfall No. 1. This waterfall is located 600 meters from the park HQ and is accessed via the park’s main trekking trail which leads to the summit of Gunung Gading. Waterfall No.1 consists of a small waterfall and a number of rock pools where you can take a dip in the cool waters surrounded by the rainforest. After enjoying the rainforest setting walk back along the main trail for 10 minutes until you reach the Rafflesia Trail plank walk. This passes through a hilly area of rainforest where Rafflesia flowers are often seen. The Rafflesia depends on a host vine – the tetrastigma. These vines and the brown Rafflesia buds can be seen along the plank walk. Return to the park HQ and depart Gunung Gading around 1300 hours.

Have lunch in a local coffee shop in Lundu. After lunch drive (15 mins) to Siar Beach. Time to relax at Basaga Holiday Resort and have a swim in the sea or the resort’s pool. Depart Siar Beach around 1530 hours and return to Kuching, arriving around 1700 hours.

Please note the Rafflesia Flower only blooms occasionally. Sightings are not guaranteed.


  • Tour & transfer, entrance fee, lunch and English speaking guide.


We recommend you wear good walking/hiking shoes for Gunung Gading. Pack your flip-flops and swimming costumes for the trip to Siar Beach. If you intend to have a dip at one of the waterfalls at Gunung Gading we suggest you bring your own small towel. A beach towel is only provided at Siar Beach after leaving the park.